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Esse Winter Skin Care

Esse Winter Skin Care

Bring on winter… fireplaces, cosy blankets, hot chocolate and hearty comfort food are a few of my favourite things in the cold weather. Have you thought about the changes that your skin needs in the cooler months? Time to step up your winter skin care regime, so you have a healthy glowing skin all year round.

One of the most important changes during the colder months is to provide extra protection to your skins barrier. With the crisp cool air, and sometimes icey wind conditions your skin needs a lot more nourishment. For starters you could up your Moisturiser, by purchasing a richer formulation. For example, if you were using the Esse Rich Moisturiser, make the change to the Ultra Moisturiser for added nourishment and comfort to the skin.

One of my favourite winter products is the Esse Protect oil, providing armour to your skin by creating a shield from the outside elements. This golden oil is loaded with Ximenia oil, this key ingredient comes from Namibia. It contains rare chemical properties which form a protective layer to the skin when exposed to UV light and harsh elements, thereby locking in moisture. This is the perfect day time protection your skin needs to lock in moisture and keep skin well hydrated throughout the day. The Protect Oil is an all time favourite for outdoor sports, such as running or cycling.

Esse Winter Skin Care

Winter is also the perfect time to add a mask to your home care regime. Apply a thin layer of Esse Cream mask before bed and allow to soak into your skin. This mask is loaded with organic rooibos, aloe vera extract, jojoba and coconut oils for luxurious nourishment.

The full range of Esse products is available online and in store at Thrive.

Hayley Guthrie, Somatologist – InSkin
For advise on your winter skin care products book a free consultation with Hayley on 082 3269 884
or visit her at Thrive on Monday, Wednesday and Friday