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Polish Up!

Polish Up!

One of my favorite rituals is to exfoliate… There is nothing quite like that super clean feeling. There is something about it that makes you feel fresh and renewed, like re-setting your complexion back to its original clean state.

Most of us are aware that our skin is the largest organ in the body and replenishes itself every 24 to 36 days. A skin cell will make its way to the surface of the skin, losing moisture and slough off as a dead dry flake. A skin that is not looked after or exfoliated presents a dull lifeless complexion. The older we get the slower this process of renewal becomes!

First and foremost these dead skin cells that collect on the surface will be removed by regular exfoliation, unclogging the pores, removing excess oil, make-up and dirt. Another important bonus of exfoliating is that all products put on the skin after a good exfoliation  … from serums, masks or moisturisers, will penetrate far more effectively. Other benefits include increased micro-circulation (blood, nerve, and lymph stimulation), a smoother complexion and more even color.

ESSE Probiotic Skin Care has 2 retail exfoliators for home use. The Cocoa Exfoliator can be used on most skin types. It contains cocoa (and seriously smells and looks like chocolate!) this softens and moisturisers the skin. It also contains marula oil that nourishes and protects the skin.

The second exfoliator is the Microderm Exfoliator for a more sensitive mature skin. This contains micro-particles of kaolin and calcium carbonate to gently polish and refine the skin’s surface.

I recommend exfoliating twice a week followed by a treatment mask for best results. For more information please call or Whatsapp Hayley at InSkin on 0823269884.

  • Hayley Guthrie

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