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Be kinder to the planet

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Be kinder to the planet
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  •  Stay hydrated with a reusable water bottle – instead of adding to the plastic pollution, simply reuse your own water bottle throughout the day. Try the Kuro-Bo natural water system.
  • Keep plastic waste out of your lunch boxes. Instead of purchasing individually bagged snacks for your lunch, buy a large bag and divide it into smaller portions using reusable containers.
  • Reuse rather than discard – adapt the reduce, reuse and recycle philosophy in your home. Recycling is easier than you may think.  Start a system of recycling all glass, cans and paper in your homes.  As you get in the habit of recycling at home, adopt the same habits in the workplace. Try the Bokashi Recycling system for all food waste and compost with your garden waste.
  • Run a paperless household – make sure all your bills are emailed to you rather than posted and create an online filing system to prevent printing unnecessarily.

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