Healthy Food for Travelling from Thrive
Look after your family with these “padkos” ideas and keep them nourished and hydrated with healthy food for travelling all journey long! Make Thrive your one stop shop for all this goodness as we keep you better than well these holidays:
- Replace junk food with cacao! Cacao is raw chocolate and is high in antioxidants and goodness. Raw Chocolate (known as Cacao) has been revered by ancient traditions for centuries because its purpose was well known and understood: raw cacao is a carrier of medicine. Chocolate dilates the cells acting as an express delivery system, driving nutrition deep into the body. So grab a slab of Soaring Free cacao chocolate (available in different flavours) for a quick on the go treat.
- Make a trail mix packed with fibre, protein and goodness. Combine almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, raisins and goji berries for the ultimate trail mix snack. This trail mix will provide you with the ideal snack for an energy boost and give you the sustained energy you need. Goji berries are the ultimate Superfoods and high in antioxidants.
- Pack your Kuro Bo glass water bottle and filter (charcoal sticks). Who needs filtered water when you can make your own? Kuro-Bo activated charcoal removes all toxins from tap water such as leads, aluminium, mercury etc. and enriches water with beneficial minerals, like magnesium and calcium. Choose an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bottles and filtering systems. Simply place the activated charcoal stick in your water bottle … and go!
- Take along a bottle of ginger shots from the Juice Kitchen. Ginger is said to aid nausea and this is a quick and easy way to get over car sickness.
- Water – Kuro bo
- Nuts
- Ginger
- Trek/Neat bars
- Ecoffee cups
- Beeswax wraps
Enjoy your healthy food for travelling from Thrive, as you keep your family nourished and happy.