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Promote Fertility: Enhance Your Chances of Conception

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Promote fertility naturally
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 Promote Fertility – Dr Bruce Thomson, Homeopath

One in every four couples in developing countries has been found to be affected by infertility, when an evaluation of responses from women in Demographic and Health Surveys from 1990 was completed in collaboration with WHO in 2004. The burden remains high. A WHO study, published at the end of 2012, has shown that the overall burden of infertility in women from 190 countries has remained similar in estimated levels and trends from 1990 to 2010. (National, regional, and global trends in infertility prevalence since 1990: A systematic analysis of 277 health surveys. December 2012, 12 pages)

The Figures get more sobering as we move up the age categories towards the 40’s. For most couples making a baby is a natural process that takes place without a glitch. However, sometimes it just doesn’t work out that easily. It seems so simple. Sperm meets egg, cells divide, wait nine months and ta-da… baby is born!  

Actually, all the steps are so complicated that it’s a bit of a miracle that it ever works out. Add to this the factors that more and more couples are starting later in life, when the fertility cycle is winding down, and that our bodies are exposed to more and more exogenous hormones (xeno-estrogens) in the form of plastics, pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals and we have the spicy cocktail which leads to so many couples struggling to conceive.

Whether you are planning for a pregnancy months from now, preserving your fertility as you hear your biological clock ticking, or are actively treating your infertility, it is possible to get help. Taking steps to improve your health will not only improve your chances of a successful conception, it will make for a healthier pregnancy and a healthier baby.

The program available at Thrive may include the following (dependant on needs/condition of the patient):

  • Homeopathic/Naturopathic health and lifestyle assessment
  • Traditional Chinese herbal formulae and supplementation where required
  • Acupuncture
  • Reflexology
  • Dietary advice to help you achieve your health goals

One on one assistance will be given to achieve the following goals:

  1. Improve the health of both partners to promote conception: Many people think of infertility as a woman’s problem, but more often than not there are issues with both partners.  In fact, studies indicate that the cause of infertility is equally divided between the female and the male, so both partners need to be evaluated and treated. Where this is the case the chances of conception decline exponentially.
  2. Understand your cycle: Using natural family planning methods, you can learn your body’s fertility signs, identify underlying problems and time intercourse for optimum results. Excellent apps are readily available and I can advise you on which is the best to use for your condition.
  3. Balance your hormones: The endocrine system is very complex, and it is important to have proper functioning of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis as well as the body’s hormone receptors.
  4. Optimize your digestion: This may not be the first thing you think of for fertility, but digestion plays a central role in your overall health status. Your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, balance blood sugars and eliminate wastes determines the state of your internal environment.
  5. Enhance your nutritional status: Ensuring proper intake of nutrients helps to produce healthy eggs and sperm, as well as provide the nourishment for the developing foetus. Choosing organic, nutrient dense, whole foods will provide your body with a good foundation, and supplements can be used as needed.
  6. Cleanse and detoxify your body: This should only be done prior to conception and can help prepare both the man and the woman. Most of us carry around accumulated toxins which can interfere with fertility and overall health. Detoxification decreases this burden and makes for a healthier environment for your baby.
  7. Manage your stress: Infertility can be one of the most stressful experiences in a couple’s life. Expressing your feelings, taking control and seeking support from qualified professionals can be lifesavers for you and for your marriage.
  8. Treat underlying diseases: Many conditions can negatively impact a couple’s ability to conceive. We can help to identify overt diseases as well as subtle imbalances, and then work with you to optimize your chances of conception.
  9. Increase success rates of conventional infertility treatments: By combining conventional and natural medicine, you increase your chances for assisted reproduction to be successful, and for the pregnancy to result in a healthy full-term baby.

If you are concerned that you may have a fertility problem and need advice or you are wanting a little bit of extra help while going through IVF/ICSI or other assisted reproductive health techniques, don’t hesitate to call in at Thrive and speak to Dr Thomson (whatsapp/sms to 0837899328, email


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